Monday, March 27, 2006

Universal Love

It is a difficult task to shower unconditional /universal love upon people especially in today's hypocritic world. Now we have love which has expectations of our beloved ones, or it is limited love, personalised love, individual love. But a love which expects nothing of anybody else whatsoever, it loves all and everything in the universe, that is universal love. For a spiritual aspirant, this would be a main asset, helping him to shorten the path to reach the Goal manifold.
How to create Universal Love? The answer is "Love Him who loves all." So in some mysterious way, when we love Him who loves all, there seems to be a canalisation or a channelling of the love resources of the entire human potential, the human race, into one vessel, into one receptacle, which being totally unselfish, being totally concerned with the total universe as such is able to mobilise those accumulated resources for the welfare of all.
It was Kabir who said that the path of love is so narrow that only one can walk. Even two lovers cannot walk through it or walk on it. The inner meaning of the Saint's statement is "Carry the beloved in yourself". So, in that sense, loving perhaps means putting into your heart him or her whom you wish to love. Here it is the God. So we have to learn to love the
God in such a wonderful way that He becomes the occupant, the tenant of my inner self, my heart and eventually by loving Him to the exclusion of everything else, we forget to see anything else. We see only Him. Our entire existence becomes centered on Him. He now becomes, instead of the tenant of my heart, the Master of my heart. He takes over my existence and then we find this miracle that the qualities of His heart become the qualities of my heart, and then only the miracle happens that I have created love in my heart not by creating it in myself but by bringing love into my heart, as embodied in the Master. So the only true way of creating a sustained, sustaining, self-sustaining, ever pervasive love, which can transcend the barriers of even mortal existence and go with us to the hereafter, is to bring the source of love into our hearts.

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