Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Duel over Dualism

Few people have shallow knowledge inspite of having extensive reading habits, whereas on the contrary few others possess true knowledge based on their intellectual depths and acumen. Being honest to my conscience, I fit myself in the first category and Anand in the second category.
I could conclude this only a few days back when Anand and myself had a duel over the trueness and genuinity of the philosophies Monism and Dualism. Though I am by birth a follower of Dualism (Madhwacharya), I was beleiving that the philosophy of Dualism was propagated as a part of Divine play, because many people who followed Monism (Advaita philosophy founded by Adi Sankaracharya) misinterpreted the core thought and became egoistic. To curb this, God sent Madwacharya on earth to propagate strongly the philosophy of Dualism which states that the God, Individual Soul and Matter are different from each other and that through true devotion to God only one can attain liberation. Also I was thinking that the Dualism philosophy is only for layman who is egoistic and thinks/boasts himself to be God by understanding Monism in the wrong sense
My thought that Monism is the true philosophy may be due to the very many books I have read, including many Ramakrishna/Vivekanands books, Sahaj marg (Sri Ram Chandra Mission) literature, Aurobindo and to top it, Vivekachudamani by Adi Sankara himself. Whereas, I have not read any books which deeply explains the Dvaita/Dualism philosophy.
Anand on the other hand, who had not given himself much reading, incidentally had gone through a few pages over net regarding the Dualism philosophy.
The controversy was whether after liberation, the individual soul will merge with the Supreme losing its identity or will the individual even afer attaining liberation still maintain its identity? Anand supported Dualism firmly and told the even after liberation, individuality of souls remain intact and are still servants of God, which I denied. I felt very bad that I could not convince him. Suddenly I remembered the Book AY (refer my previous post on Scientific Miracles..) where Chapter 43 explains the resurrection of Yukteshwar. I opened the chapter and searched for evidence to strengthen my viewpoint. But alas... Anand won the duel and to quote what exactly is given in the book, "When a soul finally gets out of the three jars of bodily delusions," Master continued, "it becomes one with the Infinite without any loss of individuality. Christ had won this final freedom even before he was born as Jesus". The phrase without loss of any individuality indicates strongly that the soul after becoming one with the infinite also (like a wavelet in a ocean) will maintain its individuality. It doesn't mean that these words are the sole authority for judging the toughest philosophies, yet at that point of time, the words from this neutral book, on which I beleive firmly has given me an answer, totally convincing me.
Further, Anand told me the following practical points. Chronologically speaking Dualism was expounded by Madwachar (13th century) at a later date when compared to Monism (10th century). While coming up with a new philosophy, Madwachar would have faced lots of trials and setbacks to assert the same, when he interpreted all the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Gita, etc, in support of Dualism. But as for Adi Sankara, it would have been relatively easier to just interpret the old works in the view of Monism. So I understood that the Dualism concept is not for layman but also for the highly educated lot.


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