Neutral thinking
I am interested in spirituality or the soul science, since ten years from now. I had been browsing a lot of books from different schools of thought, and could by this time arrive at a conclusion (though I could hear some one telling that this is a very short period to conclude..) that unless one realises by himself it is difficult to understand the essence of the Ultimate. So many books are there to throw light on the Reality and the ways to reach thereupon, but nothing is of help unless one finds it out by himself.
Most of the existing, popular religions tell us that there is one God. I hope all agree for the above mentioned fact. Keeping this in mind I would suggest that you consider the below mentioned facts as well.
Every body would have noticed that there are
a)Number of religion, castes, sects, sub sects, sub sub sects.
b)Religious leaders who are considered to be the Son of God (Jesus), incarnation of Shiv, Vishnu, Vayu, Agni, Indra, and others like Mahavir, Buddha, Chaitanya.
c)Innumerable miracles they performed to prove that they are the incarnation of the respective gods and also for increasing the faith of their followers.
d)Interestingly many philosophies came up from the messengers of the same God which are quite contrary to each other. For example, Vishistadvaita is expounded by Sri Ramanuja (believed to be an incarnation of the Shesh nag or the Serpent bed on which Vishnu sleeps)and Dvaita by Sri Madwacharya (beleived to be an incarnation of Vayu or the Wind god). Some religions suggest that God has all qualities (Satguna), some tell that God is without qualities (Nirguna), some conclude that God is Zero. Every theory has got its own proof and hence it is surviving the irrevocable effects of Time. So what is God? Not all beleivers of the above mentioned religions with contradictory thoughts about Gods are Fools.
So I think that one interested in exploring the Spiritual Sea should set asail oneself. I do not mean that one should come up with one's own philosophy adding to the existing very many!!! What I want to tell is, one should be free and independent to decide one path, which will suit his nature the most, (for ex: devotion, karma, Gyan, Raja yoga, Kriya yoga, mantra japa etc.. etc..)and regulate one's life to practise the method earnestly and meticulously in his daily life, devoting a sincere amount of time everyday in contemplation. Without this daily practise, no religion or method is of any help in bringing up the striving/starving soul. But with this daily practise, I strongly beleive that in due course of time, you will definetely get a Guru to guide you to your Goal knowing the nature of the method your soul requires.
As for me, I am an abhyasi of Sahaj Marg, which again emphasises the daily routine of meditation/cleaning/prayer. I am able to perceive things clearly now though I know that I have to go a long way through
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